
The Politics stories covered by the team here at The Federalist Wire cover many of the important political issues of the moment. We report on important elections, up-and-coming leaders, and the most prominent elected officials in the US.

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Van Jones

Former Obama official hits Biden where it hurts on CNN

Joe Biden's base is losing confidence in him. Rightfully so as his poll numbers are not looking good. And a former Obama official hits...
State Senator Karl Rhoads

Donald Trump was rocked after a Democrat senator issued a brutal takedown

Trump is getting hit with every attack from the Left. Democrats won't stop until they've taken him down for good. And Donald Trump was...
hillary clinton

Hillary Clinton makes a shocking admission about Donald Trump that has Democrats losing their...

The former first lady certainly has her qualms with Trump. He's her biggest political rival. But Hillary Clinton makes a shocking admission about Donald...
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

Biden’s Defense Secretary has more secrets to hide after latest meeting

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is in a world of trouble. His secrets are starting to become uncovered. And Biden's Defense Secretary has more...
melania trump

Donald Trump details new strategy involving Melania Trump that has the Left’s hair on...

Trump and his family are ready for a fight. They have no intention of losing the presidential election this time around. And Donald Trump...
joe biden

Joe Biden just threw out these election results in an unprecedented move

Democrats like to hurl election denial accusations at Republicans. But now the tables have turned. Because Joe Biden just threw out these election results in...
joe biden

Joe Biden attacked on stage during campaign rally

Hitting the campaign trail is difficult for politicians. But this is something Biden never expected he'd have to deal with. And Joe Biden was...
nikki haley

Nikki Haley just got a threatening demand that she can’t run from

Haley campaign is reeling. Her days are numbered in the Republican primary race. And Nikki Haley just got a threatening demand that she can't run...
immigration Judge Andrew Arthur

Terrifying report from the border proves what we all knew from the beginning

Biden has no plans to stop the crisis down south. But his treachery goes farther than you think. And a terrifying report from the border...
Senator Bernie Sanders

A top Democrat senator just turned their back on Joe Biden

Betrayals aren't all that uncommon in politics. But no one saw this coming. And a top Democrat senator just turned their back on Joe...


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