
The Politics stories covered by the team here at The Federalist Wire cover many of the important political issues of the moment. We report on important elections, up-and-coming leaders, and the most prominent elected officials in the US.

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kamala harris

Kamala Harris took her idiocy to another level after she made this jaw-dropping claim

Vice President Harris is arguably one of the worst politicians in U.S. history. Her ability to put her foot in her mouth is rivaled...
Joe Biden

The White House went up in flames over this massive new investigation

Joe Biden and his ilk are running for cover. But there's nowhere to hide this time. And the White House went up in flames over...

This presidential candidate is finished after they were caught in one devastating lie

With the 2024 election coming in a hurry, there's no room for mistakes. But some candidates can't get out of their own way. And...
Mayor Adams

Top Democrats betray Biden in shocking act of defiance

The Left is turning on its own. And Biden is their next target. And Top Democrats betray Biden in shocking act of defiance. The...
Joe Biden

Biden issued a chilling order that has Republicans worried sick

Joe Biden knows a thing or two about government overreach. His administration has been guilty of it too many times. And Biden issued a chilling...
Joe Biden

Biden’s heartless statement to disaster victims just sank his campaign

President Biden has been a gaffe machine for years. But this one takes the cake. And Biden's heartless statement to disaster victims just sank his...
Joe Biden

Joe Biden fell flat on his face with this humiliating move

The Biden presidency has been a disaster so far. But the President isn't showing any signs that it'll improve anytime soon. And Joe Biden fell...
alexandria ocasio-cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in a world of trouble after this report dropped

The radical Congresswoman and her Squad can't stop making headlines for all the wrong reasons. But this time, the damage they've done might be...
Ken Cuccinelli

CNN gets SHUT DOWN live on air after being asked this one question

The Big Media outlets like CNN think they can control Americans with narratives. And sometimes that's true. But CNN just got SHUT DOWN live on...
Katie Hobbs

Democrat Governor sends Donald Trump gross and shocking threats

It's no secret that Donald Trump is target number one for the Democrats. And they aren't done yet. Because this Democrat Governor has sent Donald...


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